Goings On In Katikati

It’s been another busy week. Working on some prototype matrix bands at work. These are used to hold the glue in the proper shape while the crown is being placed. They are formed to the shape of each tooth. Getting to know my coworkers as well. They’re all very friendly, professional, talented folks. Helping me broaden my knowledge in this new field.
We are still working on putting insulation in the attic. It’s only cold at night here. Days are usually 16 Celsius, comfortable enough to not need a coat or hat. The insulation really helps to keep the place warm overnight so it’s not chilly when we get up. Lara has been doing a great job with the wood stove since she gets up at 3am, she gets the fire going for the day.
Oh, Nuts!

She went to several meetings this week and started the process of getting her partner visa, had to travel to Tauranga medical center for an exam and dropped off her bike at the bike shop to get new tires and a tune up. Luckily there’s pretty good bus service to the major towns from here. She went to the local sewing club and learned some cross stitching and picked up a bag of walnuts for $3 which was a great find as walnuts at the store here are $45 per kilogram. I spent the morning today by the fire shelling the walnuts. Lara also went to help the local boomerang bag program make reusable shopping bags to distribute free to local shops to reduce the use of plastic shopping bags.

We were able to get a Nissan Leaf this week also at a dealer in Auckland. They dropped it off Friday. We’re still working out the charger though. The one it comes with requires a 20 amp plug which we don’t have yet. We met a guy on our street Bruce through the Plugshare app that is helping us out by letting us borrow his charger and use his plug for a while till we get set up.
We’re pretty excited about Tucker coming home this Tuesday also. We’ll drive up to Auckland at noon to get him and bring him home. I think he’ll have a great time running around in our huge yard after being in such cramped quarters for so long. We’re already planning some hikes into the Kaimai range with some maps we got from the information Center in town. That’s all for now, we’ll send some pics of Tucker after he arrives.

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