
Day 24 July 9 Mon

Posted in Hike '07 at 11:16 pm by segue

2.5mi to Morgan Stewart Shelter
My nephew Jacob had gotten back to the house last night from his trip with the family to the Maine house. This morning we packed clothes, tent and food. I let him choose what ever he wanted to eat for the next five days. Everything fit into my old pack. We were late getting back to the trail I had wanted to be back by noon but it was now about 6:30p. Luckly the trail was easy and short. As soon as were away from the family I explained to Jacob that he didn’t have to call me uncle on the trail and that my trail name was Segue. I also told him he could choose his own trail name. After some thought he came up with Gymn a character from a book he had read.

Morgan Stewart Shelter Tue morning
We made shelter just at dark. Got his bed roll set up and went to find the privy and water source. We slept in the shelter that night since there was only one other person. With misquotes attacking we slept. The next morning as we were getting water Laredo showed up I hadn’t seen him since the Allentown Shelter.

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